Tuesday, March 30, 2010


EEEEEEEE, why nobody update classblog der?
Continue to update please! ^-^.
Awwwww, i really miss six-i. Hope to meetup w y'all soon :).
Kay, end here! Tata.
What to write ???
new Friends ,
new teachers ,
new best friend and
new to everything .
i saw him last week !!
oh mi god he smile at me !!
but no people observing it is only me and him!!
it cant be i am 15 he is 14 ohhhhh.
he just too small for me !!
i told my parent about it but my dad is going to kill me
if i am in love with that guy oh My!!
please let me forget about him
i just cant erase him from my mind!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Omfg, extremely excited for this classgathering can!
:D, hope we will take lotslotslots of pictures! ^-^.
Btw, we still haven't take a classphoto right?
Gonna upload it on facebook if we're taking! But some of them won't come, cos of CAMP D: !
Definitely will miss you guys, so. Maybe there's one more gathering during the June holidays :D?
Hope so, k.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


sianz sia... always like that de... all the gathering i cannt attend.... stupid camp.... that is so freak! miss u all.. hehehe=/ LOL this blog very less ppl post liao.... not excited for next week.... i feel so dejected! =(

FROM: Jovene :D

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Can leave down the time? I have band prac leh, not sure wht's the time yep.
o: Hope my band prac will be cancel, then i go whee-whee!
Kay, end here. Bye.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Gathering.


Why not a single soul is posting any post in tis blog!!! Tis blog is goin to die liao!!!

The gathering is conformed.
Date: 17th March 2010
Venue: Miss Clemant house. Meet at Bendemeer first.
Ppl: All 6I r invited!! Pls try yr very best to come! :D

Rite! Pls come.. coz i miss everyone of uue! :P

Anywhr juz post tis blog pls... coz is very quiet in tis blog:D
Hahas, end here! Bye!
