Sunday, January 31, 2010

Whoooooooots, 53 posts ler ^-^ .
So, set urh .
9feb'2o1o , 3pm .
Hope at least half the class go xDDDDDD!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Alrightttttttttttttt , :D .
Hmmm, ok then!
Must inform the others leh . So troublesome, but it's okeh!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hey! im free on tat day too!
3pm rite outside the bps main gate??
Sorry, T_T .
My commontests start at 27th feb .
Must revise .
Btw, Jianhong suggested 9th feb which is a Tuesday .
Sounds great .? Well, i'm free on tht day .
kay, bye!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

sry! is 4th!
25thFeb?? I cn, coz i 12.35 go home... reach about 2.30??

I'm having band , too bad ): .
Thursday, is it alright?
k, byebye!


kk, thn i will be the one who set the date lar... haha

erm... 12thFeb?? U all cn mah??
Coz others days Im tight ler wif CCAs, common tests nid study and all so on??
Who wanna go?? erm... cn lyk about 3pm?? coz i nid time to go thr!! haha...
Let mii noe again k>?


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yarh lah , they very what loh .
If we wear Raffles Girls' uniform, see they let us in marh xD .
Kiddingggggggg .
Yarh . But only Tuesday&Thursday i'm free leh .
Other weekdays, band :D .

Saturday, January 23, 2010

long time nv visit class blog le..... if wan to visit miss clemant must tell her first be4 going to sch ? LOL?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Not sure ley, Miss Clemant is coming back on 8Feb if i'm not wrong :D .
Not sure when go back T_T .
So some1 must decide . Obviously the person is not me xD!
Cos i have no idea~
kay, btw . My commontests are coming soon -.-ll .
Jiayou to others tooooooo .
k , bye!


Yeah! Tis blog MUST be alive!! so com'on!
Tag and post!! Everyone!!

Feb u wan go bc meh??
Wad date?? i confirm again!

Hmmmmm , maybe february bah (: !
Must keep this blog alive xDDDDDDD .
kkkkkkkkkk , tataaaaaa .

Wednesday, January 20, 2010



Yeah! teacher's day confirm must go see MIss Clemant!!
Still wan whn??


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Yahhhhhhhhh , teachers' day confirm must go lah!
But only 1day . So sad right .
So, must more marh (: !

Chinyi here :D .



Chloe here, i thought we go bps together on teacher's day??

Regards wif love!!
Chloe Ding

Friday, January 15, 2010


hello tjx here ;D

^-^ Aye , must visit bps!

Hellohello ^-^ .
Aye , we must set a date to go visit bps eh!
Together, :D .
Eh , anybody misses bps .? Girls sure are lah ;P .
okay , end here ^-^ .
Somebody set a date please :D .

End here ,
CHINYI ^-^ .