Saturday, November 20, 2010

Haha! go reborn the dead blog! :B blahblah~ Look forward to the outing yeah! xD

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

T0tally agree wif J0vene l0rhx! S0 dead sia tis bl0q!
N00ne miss 6I!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

HEY PPL, how are u doing? this blog is so dead.... ):

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hiie! Ex-6I! Miss uue all s0 much:D
H0pe t0 see uue all s00n..HEhe!

But thn p0st m0re tings here... Tis bl0q l00ks s0 dead t0 me:D hahax.


Monday, May 31, 2010



Sunday, May 30, 2010

bahahaha~nth to do...stop by post sth lor.hehe!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I'm free except for week1&the last week :(.
Okay. Hope to see everybody there. :D!
Jyjyz for MYE too.
oh... hihihi... hey chloe maybe will not post anything here due to exams.zzz haha there's another gathering on june? tell me the date k? cuz june i a bit busy :P anyway hope u get well soon k :D
 Pls someone write someting... miss all of u soooo much,..... currently im sick... staying at home to heal!! :(
Considering for another class gathering in June!! now tis time hope everyone cn go... so which date u all cnt pls tel mii and whr u all wan go also pls pls tel mii... i wil pick the date everyone all most of us can.. okie?? thanks thanks..... pls... drop by here everyday for 5min to write someting to cheer everyone up... tis is our bloggie... dont let it die... :D

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


EEEEEEEE, why nobody update classblog der?
Continue to update please! ^-^.
Awwwww, i really miss six-i. Hope to meetup w y'all soon :).
Kay, end here! Tata.
What to write ???
new Friends ,
new teachers ,
new best friend and
new to everything .
i saw him last week !!
oh mi god he smile at me !!
but no people observing it is only me and him!!
it cant be i am 15 he is 14 ohhhhh.
he just too small for me !!
i told my parent about it but my dad is going to kill me
if i am in love with that guy oh My!!
please let me forget about him
i just cant erase him from my mind!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Omfg, extremely excited for this classgathering can!
:D, hope we will take lotslotslots of pictures! ^-^.
Btw, we still haven't take a classphoto right?
Gonna upload it on facebook if we're taking! But some of them won't come, cos of CAMP D: !
Definitely will miss you guys, so. Maybe there's one more gathering during the June holidays :D?
Hope so, k.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


sianz sia... always like that de... all the gathering i cannt attend.... stupid camp.... that is so freak! miss u all.. hehehe=/ LOL this blog very less ppl post liao.... not excited for next week.... i feel so dejected! =(

FROM: Jovene :D

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Can leave down the time? I have band prac leh, not sure wht's the time yep.
o: Hope my band prac will be cancel, then i go whee-whee!
Kay, end here. Bye.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Gathering.


Why not a single soul is posting any post in tis blog!!! Tis blog is goin to die liao!!!

The gathering is conformed.
Date: 17th March 2010
Venue: Miss Clemant house. Meet at Bendemeer first.
Ppl: All 6I r invited!! Pls try yr very best to come! :D

Rite! Pls come.. coz i miss everyone of uue! :P

Anywhr juz post tis blog pls... coz is very quiet in tis blog:D
Hahas, end here! Bye!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Hey!! gt suggestion about the gathering??
UpdaTES on FaceBook.. :P
Oh! KK>>>
I wil sms her amd tel the about the gathering....

Friday, February 12, 2010

Okay! Everytime only Chloe&I post T^T .
Can more people post ? :D Please, !
So sorry that yesterday didn't went to visit Miss Clemant.
YUPP! Chloe, Miss Clemant asked you to organise a gathering at her house or somewhere lah .
Not quite sure about it, go ask Miss Clemant bah .
More gatherings//outings! Miss six-i .


Why no one post anyting frm 31thJan til nw leh???
hahaha.... HAPPY CNY TO EVERYONE!!! :D
Pls post!!! :D

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Whoooooooots, 53 posts ler ^-^ .
So, set urh .
9feb'2o1o , 3pm .
Hope at least half the class go xDDDDDD!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Alrightttttttttttttt , :D .
Hmmm, ok then!
Must inform the others leh . So troublesome, but it's okeh!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hey! im free on tat day too!
3pm rite outside the bps main gate??
Sorry, T_T .
My commontests start at 27th feb .
Must revise .
Btw, Jianhong suggested 9th feb which is a Tuesday .
Sounds great .? Well, i'm free on tht day .
kay, bye!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

sry! is 4th!
25thFeb?? I cn, coz i 12.35 go home... reach about 2.30??

I'm having band , too bad ): .
Thursday, is it alright?
k, byebye!


kk, thn i will be the one who set the date lar... haha

erm... 12thFeb?? U all cn mah??
Coz others days Im tight ler wif CCAs, common tests nid study and all so on??
Who wanna go?? erm... cn lyk about 3pm?? coz i nid time to go thr!! haha...
Let mii noe again k>?


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yarh lah , they very what loh .
If we wear Raffles Girls' uniform, see they let us in marh xD .
Kiddingggggggg .
Yarh . But only Tuesday&Thursday i'm free leh .
Other weekdays, band :D .

Saturday, January 23, 2010

long time nv visit class blog le..... if wan to visit miss clemant must tell her first be4 going to sch ? LOL?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Not sure ley, Miss Clemant is coming back on 8Feb if i'm not wrong :D .
Not sure when go back T_T .
So some1 must decide . Obviously the person is not me xD!
Cos i have no idea~
kay, btw . My commontests are coming soon -.-ll .
Jiayou to others tooooooo .
k , bye!


Yeah! Tis blog MUST be alive!! so com'on!
Tag and post!! Everyone!!

Feb u wan go bc meh??
Wad date?? i confirm again!

Hmmmmm , maybe february bah (: !
Must keep this blog alive xDDDDDDD .
kkkkkkkkkk , tataaaaaa .

Wednesday, January 20, 2010



Yeah! teacher's day confirm must go see MIss Clemant!!
Still wan whn??


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Yahhhhhhhhh , teachers' day confirm must go lah!
But only 1day . So sad right .
So, must more marh (: !

Chinyi here :D .



Chloe here, i thought we go bps together on teacher's day??

Regards wif love!!
Chloe Ding

Friday, January 15, 2010


hello tjx here ;D

^-^ Aye , must visit bps!

Hellohello ^-^ .
Aye , we must set a date to go visit bps eh!
Together, :D .
Eh , anybody misses bps .? Girls sure are lah ;P .
okay , end here ^-^ .
Somebody set a date please :D .

End here ,
CHINYI ^-^ .